Webinar Wednesday! Nine Lives of Coliform: Why Disinfection fails 50% of the Time - Online
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM Mountain Time or 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Pacific Time
Event Registration
Event Type(s)
Drinking Water
Event Description

Webinar Wednesday! 9 Lives of Coliform: Why Disinfection fails 50% of the Time - Online

Class members will learn the following:

  • How biofilm enters, develops, and spreads through the well.
  • What conditions in the well protect and hide coliforms.
  • The characteristics of coliforms that help them hide and survive disinfection.
  • Why shock chlorination can make things worse if your trying to disinfect coliforms.
  • Why chlorination fails 50% of the time.
  • Learn how to make simple adjustments in chlorination to always have success with disinfection.
  • Learn the management practice to treat and remove coliforms and all biofilm in your wells.

Instructor: LeRoy Palmer, AmeriWest Water Services, Inc.
CEUs: 0.1 Drinking Water
Cost: Free to IRWA Members / $40 Non-Members
Location: Online using Zoom

Setting: Live Virtual
Online using Zoom - You will be sent the Zoom Meeting invitation in the confirmation email.
Contact Person
Tondee Clark
(phone: (208) 343-7001)

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